Repeating this beautiful poem …

Sleeping in the Forest
By: Mary Oliver

I thought the earth
remembered me, she
took me back so tenderly, arranging
her dark skirts, her pockets
full of lichens and seeds. I slept
as never before, a stone
on the riverbed, nothing
between me and the white fire of the stars
but my thoughts, and they floated
light as moths among the branches
of the perfect trees. All night
I heard the small kingdoms breathing
around me, the insects, and the birds
who do their work in the darkness. All night
I rose and fell, as if in water, grappling
with a luminous doom. By morning
I had vanished at least a dozen times
into something better.


Alcohol abuse

Having someone close to you, whether it is a friend, a romantic partner, a family member, or even a parent who struggles with addiction, is challenging.

The family and friends of the alcoholic are often on the receiving end of the lies, deceit, and manipulation from the very person who claims to love them. This behavior is very confusing for the people who love the alcoholic the most as they hurt in often cruel ways.

As targets of abusive behavior that often manifests as rage attacks and violence in general, the objective is often left asking why?

What did they do to cause the addicted person to hate them so much? What did they do to create the addicted person to feel they deserved such punishment and cruelty?

Here is the hard truth, the family, the friend, the significant other, the child, the one experiencing the outbursts hasn’t done anything wrong.

So, why are alcoholics so mean to the ones they love?

When someone is addicted to alcohol, it alters their behavior in predictable patterns.

This idea that it’s “everybody else” is also why alcoholics deny that they have an addiction. They cannot look at themselves as the problem, because often they are still trying to run from whatever is causing them pain. If called out, they will insist that they don’t have a problem, because acknowledging this root issue is too scary, shameful, painful, or overwhelming.

The easier route is to make other people responsible for their moods and overall emotional well-being.

They will often blame innocent bystanders for provoking them to anger and meltdown into fits of rage over the smallest things because they demand that everything be their way. Alcoholics do this because they are trying to self-regulate by controlling their external world to make up for their internal turmoil.

Understanding alcoholic abuse is a vital part of answering the question, “why are alcoholics so mean to the ones they love.”

Alcoholics, most often, are using alcohol to suppress having to feel the fullness of negative emotions. Rather than face the feelings, they are using the substance to “regulate” themselves.

The distress may be a myriad of things. Their current job is overwhelming for them; maybe they grew up rough and are suffering from the wounds of childhood. Maybe something traumatic has happened in the recent past, or they are lonely.

With all these bottled-up emotions when an alcoholic does drink since alcohol naturally lowers inhibitions, loved ones often find themselves caught in the torrent as the emotions re-surface most often as anger.

These outbursts are akin to a volcano blowing out sideways rather than straight-up, as the emotions will always find a way out.

Because you are a trusted loved one, the addict knows that you will not hurt them in their pain-fueled rage. The alcoholic knows that, most likely, there will be minimal to possibly no consequences for them becoming violent ( which happens far too often) and feel free to unleash all of their pent up angst on a loved one in that moment of drunkenness.


You can’t. All addicts, alcoholics included, must help themselves. They must be the ones to choose to recover.


Solstice Poem

by Mary Saracino
Deep night, Dark night
Night of the longest sigh
Soulful night, Sacred night
Night of the longest dreams
Cold night, Holy night
Night of unfurling desires
Womb of the world, Birther of hope
Bringer of peace and good will
Pray, pray for all good things
That suffering for all will end
That life will thrive and generosity reign
In the hearts of all humankind
That joy will rise and children will fly
On wings of prosperity
Oh hear our plea, this silent night
When the moon is round in the sky
When hopes are high and eyes are wide
with delight and audacity
May Love prevail tonight, and always
Leading us back to our Source
May we dance with the dark, without hesitation or fear
And savor her promise of plenty
Deep night
Dark night
Night of the longest sigh
May our weary hearts stay vigilant and receptive
To all that is loving and dear

Comment found on Youtube ….

I don’t know if anyone will ever read this comment, but I’ll write it anyway, more to myself I guess. You can be happy anywhere you are, you don’t need anyone’s approval, you are enough, you are strong, other people can be part of your journey, but they can’t and never will be destination. Never put your happiness in another person’s hands, it doesn’t work like that, it’s more like a state of mind, but you get to make it, not anyone but you. You can be happy in a small cottage, you can be happy in a big city, as long as you are a friend to yourself. You’re loved and worthy, don’t allow others to make you believe otherwise. Only you know yourself well, they see just a picture of you their mind made. But it’s not you. Not exactly. You’re capable of anything your mind can think of. If it’s there – you know it’s possible. You’re the centre of YOUR universe, you can do anything you want. And yes, you’re strong enough to achieve it. You just are. Even if you’re scared or insecure, trust me, and trust yourself. You are capable. You set your own goals. Remember: the point is to be happy. You can never dream too big or too small. Your goal is to be happy, so go, do whatever it takes to achieve it! I believe in you and I love you. You know it’s true. If you read this, doesn’t matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful night and a happy peaceful life where all your dreams become true. We wait for you on our channel