If you struggle with the sense that you don’t know what to do with your life, you’re not the only one.

This feeling can stir up some pretty disturbing feelings of existential dread, anxiety, confusion, and fear that maybe “you’re wasting your life” or whittling away your time meaninglessly.

Having no idea what to do with our life can make us feel like failures and imposters pretending to have it all together externally while feeling internally messy.

But here’s the thing: I believe having no idea what to do with your life is actually a good thing when embraced with open arms.

Strangely, accepting your feelings of “I don’t know what to do with my life” actually leads to the solution itself and the path that is uniquely yours.

Why Having No Idea What to Do With Your Life is Actually a Good Thing

“People, chained to monotony, afraid to think, clinging to certainties … they live like ants. – Bela Lugosi

I’m going to make a wild statement here:

Certainty is the death of creativity, curiosity, and innovation.

We’re taught that we “should” know what to do with our lives. But why? Why should we know what to “do” with our lives?

Shouldn’t life be an adventure, rather than a steady monotonous march to our graves?

~~Aletheia Luna & Mateo Sol (Lonerwolf.com)

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