Lucy and her Food

DSCN1486aLucy, our adopted girl. She graces our life, and causes us significant expense in time and money. We wouldn’t have it any other way!

My latest time-gulping activity is making her food from scratch. I start with 1lb packaged meat-for-pets (sheep, pork, lots of organ meats) from Circle Star Ranch (

I prepare the food using variations of ingredients that I found on the following sites:

It is a LOT of work, but … WOW is she excited and happy and super-eager for her meals. She was always pushing for food (she is a dog, after all!), but now she almost dances, and she does little wheelies. How cute 😉

I am going to make flea/tick powder as soon as my supplies arrive.  is the site I obtained the information from.

The batches I make last about 4 days. It takes about 30 minutes prep time and about 45 minutes in the oven. I tried crock-potting it yesterday …. ICK it STANK because I cooked the meat first and I could smell the lamb. I have to mull on methods, and my tolerances.

After all … I’M a vegetarian!

… with gratitude ^_^

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