Yoga. Mind, body, soul. And then it became a ‘fashion’, and a fashion statement. Cute clothes, snuggy comfortable clothes, sexy clothes.

And now it would seem that our trendy and comfortable yoga clothing is devastating the oceans. Of course, this includes gym clothes, and many other types. But yoga …. for yoga clothes to be doing this ….

(on another topic, I learned about the mats a while back, and will not purchase anymore.)

I do not purchase new clothing. I only wear used (underwear being the exception!).

And now I look at my drawer of yoga pants and consider the irony.

There is so much we take for granted, and even more things that we never question.

We, the consumers, can change the tide of ‘junk’ clothing flooding the market. If enough of us care ….

Love~Kindness~Compassion ♥

There are many articles about this. I’ve just chosen this one as one source.

KEY LARGO, Fla. — Comfortable clothes are emerging as a source of plastic that’s increasingly ending up in the oceans and potentially contaminating seafood, according to Gulf Coast researchers launching a two-year study of microscopic plastics in the waters from south Texas to the Florida Keys.

The project , led by the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium, will rely partly on volunteers in coastal cleanup events. It also will expand a year’s worth of data collected around Florida that predominantly found microfibers — shreds of plastic even smaller than microbeads flowing down bathroom sinks and shower drains.

Yoga pants, fleece jackets, sweat-wicking athletic wear and other garments made from synthetic materials shed microscopic plastic fibers — called ‘‘microfibers’’ — when laundered. Wastewater systems flush the microfibers into natural waterways, eventually reaching the sea.

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