
Wasps are NOT the enemy. Like any creature, they seek shelter and food. They are curious, and they will fight back when they perceive they are threatened. Just because they can more than adequately defend themselves, people hate them. Just as Spiders and Snakes are hated.

Fear. It is all about fear. And that the creatures are so … different … than we are. And then there is the conditioning. And yes, some people are deathly allergic.

But it is OUR behavior that provokes the attacks.

I first learned that Wasps could be save to be around when I witnessed my husband rescuing them from the pool (when we lived in California). They would sit on his finger and he was very calm about it.

Our property is a No-Kill zone (exceptions being mosquitoes, ticks, and a certain beetle that devours crops). This means living with all variety of Wasps (including the ground Wasp). We also have a Bee Colony that lives in a tree base.

The Wasps are very responsive to intentions. And they DO listen when you speak to them (I think it is the vibration of sound).

They are allowed in most areas except the porch overhang. To discourage their interest in such prime real estate, a little vinegar and water spayed along the beams works well.

The other day while driving into town, I realized I had an unwitting passenger. She was crawling on the driver side window. It took some time to find a place to pull over, and I talked to her the entire time. She was calm and I was calm. I lowered the window in small increments so not to startle her. When it was half way down, I gave her a chance to discover the way to freedom. The whole thing took about five minutes, and she peacefully went on her way.

When we are afraid, our bodies put out a chemical. Animals know our state of being by our scent. Just as they know when we are offering and feeling unconditional Love.

People bemoan how Nature is being decimated. But there seems to only be care about the cute or attractive or cuddly parts of nature, or the parts that benefit us (Bees!). What people don’t realize is that Wasps are very much a vital part of Nature.

Here is an article that might give some pause to the prejudices against these ‘bad’ bees …

“Believe it or not wasps do have their uses, and to lose them would be a tragedy in the food chain. Wasps help to control a host of insect pests in their hunt for food to nourish their hungry grubs back at the nest. If it wasn’t for wasps we would be over-run with other less appealing insects that would otherwise destroy crops etc.

Hornets are another victim of bad press. Looking much like a huge ( up to 2 inch) wasp, they are victimised by people even more so, yet are not aggressive unless provoked, in which case they can both sting and bite.

Another common, (and sad) misconception, is the misidentification of hoverflies for wasps. These harmless insects look like a much smaller version of a wasp, but have developed the black and yellow stripes as a form of protection to deter predators. Hoverflies have no sting, do not ‘buzz’ like a wasp or hornet, and are actually very good for the garden in terms of pollinating plants. There are over 270 varieties of hoverflies in Britain, many of which are migrants from the continent. It is incredible that a creature so small can travel so far, and a tragedy if they are killed by humans who are fooled by their colours, and ignorant of their true nature.”

~~~ It is important to examine prejudices and our own behavior, and take responsibility for our own actions.

The Earth is a living entity, and it is WE, the People who are causing her damage.

BE Love … or BEE Love


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