… there are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the Earth ~ Rumi
Today I light a candle in honor and sorrow for the slaughter of so many Native Americans, and for the continual severe abuse and slaughter of millions of animals that are used to feed the lie.
… with Love and Compassion <3
It is very disturbing to see and hear so much negative and derogatory comments about Alternative Medicine, particularly Plant Medicine.
Yet the Truth is: Plant Medicine is the FIRST medicine. All drugs were first manufactured from .. plants. Plants are not an alternative. Plants are it. Here are two articles about drugs that come from plants:
Natural Products Derived from Plants
Drugs and Medicine From Plants
It is very much like the insanity of organic food. Organic food IS the original, and it has been smothered by big money and health-crippling chemicals. Organic Farmers have to pay to earn the right to grow things naturally. While the big companies push the harsh poisons that keep the drug companies in business.
Society has been brainwashed to believe it is normal to pour poison into your soil and into your body. The minority that tries to raise awareness are called ‘extreme environmentalists’. Money and marketing.
It is easier. Easier to use chemicals. Easier to just go along with what everyone else does. Easier to ignore and put off responsibility.
Yet we are all responsible. The ‘weed and feed’ on lawns, which dogs will consume, which poison their bodies, which results in their illnesses. That is our responsibility. And those weeds are actually medicine. Dandelions are amazingly beneficial to the body. Plantain is another. Yet the perfect swath of poisoned green is preferred.
Plants and naturally grown food is not alternative.
And the willful indifference to what is in our food and the damage to our Earth …. that is conscious or unconscious suicide.
Be the change.
Be Love <3