Sewing accessories. Very quickly, things can get scattered and unorganized. Keeping bobbins and thread spools with their correct partners was my biggest challenge. Not because of color, but of material-type.
I had been saving the white supplement bottles because it seemed so wasteful to toss them. Surely, they could be used for something??
Indeed. Cut the bottom off, and there is a perfect place for the bobbin under the thread (in the lid part). The growing collection is kept in a tray. Neat. Easy to find. And keeps them less inclined to collect dust (the bane of thread in a sewing room!). Yay! Organized AND re-using perfectly sturdy containers.kiki emoticon
Speaking of thread – I have made four attempts to purchase ‘locally’ by going to Joann’s. Every time, the thread is so dust-coated that I don’t even want to touch them. The rack of thread is kept next to the material cutting table. Which means … dust. Lots of dust.
Meanwhile … what are you tossing in your garbage that could be turned into something useful?