Netherland Greenhouses

How the Netherlands Farm

“The only irrigation source is rainwater, says Ted, who manages the cultivation program. Each kilogram of tomatoes from his fiber-rooted plants requires less than four gallons of water, compared with 16 gallons for plants in open fields. Once each year the entire crop is regrown from seeds, and the old vines are processed to make packaging crates. The few pests that manage to enter the Duijvestijn greenhouses are greeted by a ravenous army of defenders such as the fierce Phytoseiulus persimilis, a predatory mite that shows no interest in tomatoes but gorges itself on hundreds of destructive spider mites.”


“Alternative” Medicine

It is very disturbing to see and hear so much negative and derogatory comments about Alternative Medicine, particularly Plant Medicine.

Yet the Truth is: Plant Medicine is the FIRST medicine. All drugs were first manufactured from .. plants.  Plants are not an alternative.  Plants are it. Here are two articles about drugs that come from plants:

Natural Products Derived from Plants

Drugs and Medicine From Plants

It is very much like the insanity of organic food. Organic food IS the original, and it has been smothered by big money and health-crippling chemicals. Organic Farmers have to pay to earn the right to grow things naturally.  While the big companies push the harsh poisons that keep the drug companies in business.

Society has been brainwashed to believe it is normal to pour poison into your soil and into your body. The minority that tries to raise awareness are called ‘extreme environmentalists’.  Money and marketing.

It is easier. Easier to use chemicals. Easier to just go along with what everyone else does. Easier to ignore and put off responsibility.

Yet we are all responsible. The ‘weed and feed’ on lawns, which dogs will consume, which poison their bodies, which results in their illnesses. That is our responsibility.  And those weeds are actually medicine. Dandelions are amazingly beneficial to the body. Plantain is another. Yet the perfect swath of poisoned green is preferred.

Plants and naturally grown food is not alternative.
And the willful indifference to what is in our food and the damage to our Earth …. that is conscious or unconscious suicide.

Be the change.
Be Love <3

Climate issues

A Clear Choice

“But there’s an even better reason to get fossil fuels out of our lives. It’s about loving deeply. Loving all those suffering people in Houston and Florida, loving our children, loving every being on this planet without a voice.”


There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the Earth ~ Rumi

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Re-THINK.

Be the Change.
BE Love <3

Save the Earth From Us

“This Planet is dying. The Human race is killing it.”
“So you’ve come here to help us?”
“No. I didn’t.”
“You said you came to save us .. ?”
“I said I came to save the Earth.”
“You came to save the Earth … from us. You .. came to save the Earth from us!”
“We can’t risk the survival of this planet for one species.”
“What are you saying??”
“If the Earth dies, you die. If you die, the Earth survives. There is only a handful of planets in the cosmos capable of supporting complex life .. ”
“You can’t do this!”
“… this one can’t be allowed to perish.”
“We can change! We can still turn things around!”
“We’ve hoped and waited you would change.”
“Please …..”
“It’s reached the tipping point. We have to act.”
“Please … please … ”
“We’ll undo the damage you’ve done and give the Earth a chance to begin again.”
“Please .. please don’t do this …please .. we can change … we can change …”
“The decision is made. The process has begun.”


It has begun. From Nature herself.  We are killing her, and she is slowly, methodically, relentlessly fighting back, on all levels.

Diseases become more resistant and super diseases emerge. Temperatures change, altering the lands. The poisoned waters and land become part of our bodies. We are sickening from self-abuse of poisoned food and the catastrophic effects of the abuse to Nature.

In a time when our technology should bring us into harmony with the Earth, too many people continue to wage their callous and indifferent war, strewing garbage and devastation behind us.

Every single person can make a difference. There are a million little things that would add up. While many companies ARE exploring and developing better technologies for the Earth, it is the people and communities that must take the fundamental actions.

Start in your home. Look around. The chemical junk in your cabinets.  Aerosols (canned spray for non-stick food, hair spray) can be easily replaced by home-made hair spray (many recipes online, usually involved sugar and water, which is great for the hair) and using a spatula to spread softened coconut oil or any oil in the pan.

Cleaners can easily be replaced with vinegar & water, baking soda (not to be used with vinegar), and liquid castile soaps. EASY!

Grocery shopping: buy bulk, and consider the packaging. Can it be reused? Can you bring your own container to buy from the bulk containers. The junk food is garbage into your body and to the Earth.  Walking into a store is not just about purchasing items …. it is about what you are going to put in the landfills.

Fast foods: Massive amounts of garbage going straight into the land. Massive.  Damaging the human body as well as the Earth.

Food to go: Bring your own containers. Note: Subway has a plastic container for salads … this is soooooo re-usable for so many things, yet it gets thrown away!!!  Why??

Bring your own shopping bags everywhere.

Every time you buy something …. consider this:

What if all your garbage could not leave your property?

And then there is the sheer volume of cruelty to animals involved with just about every aspect of purchasing anything cosmetic or cleaners. Even perfume.

Every single person makes choices.
Start small. Look around. Consider.
Make one change.  Then another.
Our choices DO have outcomes, whether you can see them or not.

Be the Change.
Be Love <3



Here are some of the article I’ve saved on Pinterest about Green Living: Click here

There are so many alternatives to the poison chemicals on the shelves. Little thing DO make a difference.

Earth is our home, and too many people are indifferent to protecting it.

Be the Change.
Be Love <3



Swifters …. a great idea for easy floor clean up. Do you hear the ‘but’ coming??? Here it is … you don’t need to buy the disposable swifter cloths. Use old wash rags and lightly spray them with vinegar/water, and/or add an essential oil, too! The old rags tuck into those grabby little slots just fine.

Re-use and reduce! My passion!

Be the Change and Be LOVE <3

Spray bottles can be cheap, but wasteful because as soon as the sprayer is broken, the entire bottle is thrown away. Yet in our homes, we have the perfect bottles already. Large shampoo bottles (not me!), some oil bottles, various things … and then you buy bulk spray nozzles (I’m getting mine on Ebay). So I re-use bottles I already have and only replace the nozzles. You have to shop around to get the nozzles at a cheaper price than buying the entire bottle, but it is worth it, even if it costs a little more … it is still saving extra plastic garbage.

Be the Change!🌎
And, of course, BE Love ♥