is one of the most ethical sources of dog and cat food I have found. They also have informative and helpful blogs.
4 Ways to Reduce Your Environmental Footprint
Be The Change.
Be Love <3 is one of the most ethical sources of dog and cat food I have found. They also have informative and helpful blogs.
4 Ways to Reduce Your Environmental Footprint
Be The Change.
Be Love <3
Fruit … everyone knows what fruit is, right? Or … do they?
And vegetables. What are they.
I was very surprised to learn there is a difference between botanical fruit and culinary fruit. Squash, bell peppers, green beans … those are all botanical fruit.
So when I say my body will only tolerate ‘fruit’, I mean botanical.
I sure would like to eat broccoli again some day.
I really like broccoli.
~ with love and gratitude <3
There are so many reasons to adopt a Vegan lifestyle. Ultimately, it is about ethical living.
Be the Change.
Be Love <3
UK Supermarket – IceLand – has taken the amazing stand of ending their use of Palm oil.
Be the Change <3
“The only irrigation source is rainwater, says Ted, who manages the cultivation program. Each kilogram of tomatoes from his fiber-rooted plants requires less than four gallons of water, compared with 16 gallons for plants in open fields. Once each year the entire crop is regrown from seeds, and the old vines are processed to make packaging crates. The few pests that manage to enter the Duijvestijn greenhouses are greeted by a ravenous army of defenders such as the fierce Phytoseiulus persimilis, a predatory mite that shows no interest in tomatoes but gorges itself on hundreds of destructive spider mites.”